In our reading of the One Year Bible, in Exodus, it says that the Mercy Seat is the same size as the Altar, the place of the presence of God....So wherever the presence of God is, so is His mercy! You cannot be in the presence of God without His mercy being there! We should be destroyed by being in His presence, instead we find mercy! Wow! We are all doing well, everone is in school and adjusting. The International School of Estonia had 110 kids, grades k-12. Sarahs Junior High has 2000 students, Meaghans High School almost the same and Jacobs and Emma Elementary School has about 650, so its quite an adjustment! Of course we are still in grief over leaving Tallinn, the process of grieving our loss bears a strong resemblance to other forms of grieving.....but we are also feeling very welcome in our new city and Church, excited about how God, through His Holy Spirit very much at work there. "But where we cannot see, we'll trust, for then we know He surely must, be still, our all in all. Christ is all, yes all in all, our Christ is all in all"