
Monday, November 28, 2005

Weekend in London!

Susan and I were able to "get away from it all" (we didnt need Calgon) and go to London for a weekend! We loved all the free stuff...National Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, National Gallery......meeting up with Ruth....Starbucks......McMuffins at McDonalds.....each other company (o, that falls in the "free", no "priceless" catergory)..enjoy the pics.

Susan and our good friend Ruth...great to reunite with her afer she spent a year with us here at our church in Tallinn! Posted by Picasa

How far will I take my dear wife for a cup of Starbucks???!! Posted by Picasa

For you Uncle Dan - The British War Museum! Posted by Picasa

For you Aunt Cyndy....You favorite chruch, taken through the National Gallery! Posted by Picasa

Susan in Hyde Park on a beautiful morning! Posted by Picasa

Thanksgiving Day!

Well, Thursday was a regular work day we waited until Sunday for our Thanksgiving meal. For the first time in two years we found sweet potatoes..but, alas, this year, no turkey....we bought GOOSE! The jury is still out about goose as a substitute for turkey...but everything was SO DELICIOUS! Enjoy the pics.

Apple Cider! Meg, Kristi and Emma! Posted by Picasa

This is Kristi Tiks...better known as "Techno Kristi", the women who rescues Phil from PowerPoint!! Kristi is a great young Christian women. She has been offered a job with The Salvation Army in Hawaii!! She leaves us December 13, we are REALLY going to MISS YOU Kristi! Posted by Picasa

Sweet potatoes (maguskartullid), green beans, mashed potatoes,.....Great job Susan...We had to settle for goose this turkeys to be found...Bird flu fear? I dont know...It was delicious! Posted by Picasa

The Wittenberg Family, along with Kristi and Priit, gather for our Thanksgivng meal....yesterday....on Sunday! Posted by Picasa

Lasnamae Youth Center Pictures

Further down on the blog you can read about the situation, the neighborhood, where the Army has its Lasnamae Youth Center. You can read about the bombings in this immediate area, the last one coming in the backyard of the Center. We mentioned that they believe they have caught the terrorist and great relief has come to the apartments and streets surrounding. Enjoy the pictures!

The kids made the butterflies to go on this cross....wonderful symbolism, dont you think! Posted by Picasa

Teele, our secretary, translator (English, Russian, Finnish, Estonian!) tries to open the glue! She taught a wonderful lesson last week....someone commented to us...she is more than a secretary..she is like an associate pastor....that says it! Posted by Picasa

Our Emma giving it her all at the Youth Center....and of course her PINK dog looks on! Posted by Picasa

Two of the boys hard at work at Lasnamae Posted by Picasa

One of God's special girls from the Lasnamae Youth Center Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 14, 2005

No, we are not on the payroll of the Estonian Tourist Board!! This is the Gulf of Finland, near to our house...each season brings its own special, unique beauty. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Lasnamae Youth Center....Another Blessing from a great God!

As some of you know we have begun (we being Susan, myself and our secretary Teele) a ministry every Thursday afternoon at the Lasnamae Youth Center. This is a Center run by the Salvation Army's region but they have given us freedom to enter in and work here in any way we want. Lasnamae is a heavily poplulated "Russian" sector of town..if I may label it so...With many gray, tall, lifeless highrises that many call home. We have also come to find out that it can be a rather dangerous place. Over the past many years, within close proximity to the Youth Center, a terrorist has been at work, seemingly setting off homemade bombs at random....killing and injuring many. His lastest attack came in the "backyard" of the Youth Center killing one. This happened on a Wednesday night and the next day when Susan and Teele arrived (I couldn't come), the police were still scouring the area for evidence, etc. How these precious children must have been living in fear! Susan and Teele had been much in prayer that this person would be caught...for reasons which we will explain in a later post....and yesterday HE WAS! What a relief this must bring to the residents of this area and in particular to these children! We praise Him for this wonderful ministry, for His divine protection. I praise Him for a wife and secretary who did not think twice about being present and loving these kids so soon after the events of last week! Soon we will post some pictures of these kids....perhaps through this form, even from so great a distance, they will win your hearts like they have ours!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

And here is our Meaghan! Posted by Picasa

Meaghan and Sarah have complained that they aren't in any pictures on the Blog..I told them they have to be home once in awhile...or go on our family outings to qualify...this did not appease them! here they are, Sarah, now 14 and Meaghan 16! You are beautiful girls!! Posted by Picasa

We have moved!

At this moment we are enjoying our new place....a little northeast of Tallinn near the Gulf of the way has anyone out there tried Google Earth?? Amazing what you can find on there! Anyway, our new address is:

Phil and Susan Wittenberg
Jalaka Tee 5
Pringi 74001 Harjumaa

Our stateside contact remains the same:

Major Doug Hart
211 Rachel Lane
Middletown OH 45042