
Monday, November 28, 2005

How far will I take my dear wife for a cup of Starbucks???!! Posted by Picasa


Indigo Robe said...

Susan, You are a woman after my own heart... do tell... what is YOUR favorite Starbucks? Mine is the nonfat caramel machiatto (iced in summer, hot in winter) with whipped cream if we are on vacation!

Phil, you are the man, taking your wife for a Starbucks! I got Bob hooked on the Iced Chai. (I've never had one but that was his only alternative since he HATES coffee.) I tried explaining that with all the other STUFF in it, you can hardly taste the coffee! :)

When are you guys coming to Arizona, hmm??? :)

And finally, you don't have to do kettles there, do you?

Bob & Margie

pia said...

b e a u t i f u l!
that's all i have to say!:p

The Wittenbergs in Rovaniemi Finland said...

Bob and Margie,

Actually we find Costa Coffee and Nero Coffee in London, just as good (at least Phil does) and CHEAPER than Starbucks! Can you say profit margin!

We would love to come to Arizona sometime....will let you know when we are home!

Actually we do kettles here, but only for a week or two....and we dont raise much money...but it it makes us feel better!

The Wittenbergs in Rovaniemi Finland said...


It seems like forever since I have seen you! I know Susan has...but not me....This truly makes me sad....we need to do something about this! Do you like coffee as much as my wife??

pia said...

you bet i like coffee;)
name the time!:)

pia said...

this can't be happening! you can't leave!:(