A day with the Aunt...Cousins....Nieces...While Phil was a mens camp....in Downtown Philadelphia...Stacey and Danielle and the gang!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Susan and I were privledged to be able to share our love for Estonia and the Ministry God trusted us with there at the Self Denial Ingathering in Pittsburgh.
The Cousins at Mothers Day lunch!!
Mothers Day lunch in Pittsburgh...The Honsbergers and the Wittenbergs1
Enjoy the pics of the recent spring recital for the Pioneer School of Music. Every Wendnesday night at the church youth gather for all kinds of instruction in many realms. The musical and spiritual growth are quite amazing!
Sarah plays a tune!!
Jacob sings his heart out!
The Guitar class...Luke, Luis, John, Meg,...(cant tell) and Ian.
The Junior Singing Company...with Priscilla B. leading!
Some members of the guitar class at the Pioneer School of Music.....Sarah, Ian, Beth and Pat!
Hey EVERYBODY, this is our friend PIA from Tallinn.....Actually, I think this picture was taken in Helsinki.....See Pia, finally I posted your picture!! We miss you!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Beth, Meaghan and Erin
Monday, May 01, 2006
Yes, this is Dave vacuming....Meg..he tells me this is something he does everyday at home??!!
Just so you know, Susan is standing up a level...Meg and Sarah are her height now!!
Our Emma with her treasures!!!
Open Air (outdoor evangelistic service) at the corner of Kennsington and Allegheny on Easter Sunday afternoon......Where sin doth abound, grace doth ABOUND, ALL THE MORE!
a few of our neighbors on Allegheny ave....taken on the way to open air on Easter Sunday afternoon.