
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Meg and there "Bible Space" here?? Posted by Picasa


S.A Kristie said...

ahh how cute is that.. meaghan and her boyfriend :):)

S.A Kristie said...

heh,thats what i remember meg telling me too :)mixing up names over there?

The Wittenbergs in Rovaniemi Finland said...

Oops....I know Darien and I know Patrick...I CAN tell them apart....but I was using my ESTONIAN KEYBOARD and can you believe it when you type "Patrick" it comes out "Darien"! What are the chances of that??

pia said...

None, Phil!

S.A Kristie said...

yep,that just confirmed that you still are the president of Juku Club Phil:)

The Wittenbergs in Rovaniemi Finland said...

I am sorry I missed his testimony last week, but I am proud of his voice shared in casual talking amongst friends. It is so good getting to know these young lovers of our Savior, our Christ.

Mary Ann Parks said...

as one who has known Pat *and* Darien for many years, I can tell you it is very easy to mix them up :-) j/k :-D